UKSexMeet Reviews 2017 | Can You Get Laid?
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What we got when we did an UKSexMeet is no answer. That is right no one answered any of our requests. It was nothing but a real bummer.
What sounds like you are going to get laid more than The name says it all, but the site said nothing of the sort. The girls that we contacted were not quick to answer and when they did, they didn’t seem like the booty call type. What type did they seem like you ask? They seemed like the type that would take your money and run. 10s galore, all wanting to have sex with our two decoys? They are good looking fellas, but not 10 material. That is when you know that something is up.
We did NOT appreciate UKSexMeet. We did NOT get laid.We recommend you to use one of our top hookup sites. They are really good to find booty calls
Our reviews
The reviews all said the same thing, hot sex, real sex. What we found is not real sex at all. We were able to get some girls to respond, but one wanted us to send her money so she could fly here to see us and some others wanted to know how much we had to spend. I don’t think that she was talking about whether we were going to renew our membership. When we did a comparison of the other sites what we found was that this was the one site that we wished we had asked for our money back. Good thing we had a discount code to pay for our wasted time on the site!
Sites like are supposed to be chalked full of hot girls who want us to ring them in the middle of the night for sex. These girls would already be booked up for the evening if you tried to ring them. There would be a charge attached, and I am not talking about for the phone call. Fake profiles and scams galore, we felt like you had to be some sort of idiot to not see the writing on the wall for this one. If you are wondering “is any good?” The answer is that the only thing that it is good for is finding a prostitute.
We weren’t really into finding a girl to fly in from Hungary, or Canada, so our luck was very limited. The next question that we get asked a lot is if works. What we found was that it didn’t work if you were really honestly just looking for a hookup. There are all sorts of ways that you are able to find sex on this site. If you want to pay for sex, then this is probably the best site for you. Looking for a girl who does this for a living would not be hard to do. If you want to find a girl who is your average girl next door, she would most likely not be on this one.
How does function? surprised us with the ease with which we were able to navigate the site. We could go from one place to the next, reach out to girls in many different ways to communicate and it had a lot of great apps for use. The problem is that there were no girls to use all the great functions with. The site itself is nothing but a front. We were inundated with emails because they sold our address and the girls were not real at all.
Is real?
Overall if you want to know “is real?”, the answer is that it is not real at all. It is really great if you want to hire out for a night of sex, or perhaps a bachelor party, but the girls on this site were anything but real. Having 10s blowing up our email was flattering for about a minute until we realized that they didn’t want us, they wanted our money. I would stay away from this site and choose to go with one that really works. This is not it. There is no booty call that is being answered on this one.