SaucyDates Reviews 2014 | Should Trust This Website? is quite arguably the most lackluster booty call site that we reviewed.
Of the 15 sites to get laid that we reviewed, was the one that we found to have absolutely no value. Not one of the cheapest by far, there is literally no action at all. Like a performer on stage wonders sometimes if the mic is on, we wondered if our emails were even going anywhere.
When we did an comparison in relation to the other sites we had barely any responses, and we had absolutely no met ups. Not getting sex, we didn’t even get as much as a “thanks, but no thanks”. The second most expensive site that we reviewed, we found exactly what the reviews said. This is a worthless site.
Sites like are supposed to be designed for guys who have their shit together and are looking for women who want to sleep with them. Perhaps the problem is that the only one that they advertise to is guys. If you want to have a booty call site you have to actually have women on them. Catching on to the fact that the guys on this site went there because they had money, we found that there were a lot of what appeared to be fake profiles. We didn’t even waste our time trying to see if our suspicions were real.

We did NOT appreciate SaucyDates. We did NOT get laid.We recommend you to use one of our top hookup sites. They are really good to find booty calls
Is any good?
We can answer that the most definitively of any site. No, is not a good site, nor is it worth the price of membership. You would be better off going to the bars and feeding some girl drinks all night. At these you would have a shot. You have to have girls to have a chanceā¦no chance here. What at first seemed like a great site turned out to be a bust.
Does work?
Yes, it works to take your money and deliver nothing in return. This was a site that you had to pay a premium for, but when you started looking through profiles, it left you wondering “where are the rest of them?”. There was nothing redeeming about it, there was nothing exciting about it, there was nothing that was worth continuing on it.
How does function?
To their credit they did have the latest advances in state of the art technology and apps. The problem is that a video chat function does nothing if there is no one to chat with. Perhaps they should have saved some of the money that they put out on creating the site and spent it towards marketing to get girls on the site.
Is real?
We never really got a sense for if this site is real, but our guess is that it has to be real. We found no fake scams or profiles that would indicate that it is a site that is making money off of anything, especially not sex. Although we can’t definitely say that it is real, we can say that it is really a big waste of time.
If you are so inclined to ignore our advice and try it for yourself, you can easily go online and find a discount code to try it out for a month for free. Before you sign any contract and find out that what we warned you about it true, you should at least search for the code so you aren’t throwing money out the window.